About us

You will find TEMMA in a place where looks delicious.
You will find TEMMA in a place where looks delicious.
You wander into a store and find yourself somehow drawn to a particular sweet.
You can tell immediately that it has been made with tender loving care and it’s going to taste delicious.
That is a place where people can’t help but smile and where you will find TEMMA’s containers.

Greetings from the president

Hiroshi Temma, President and CEO
Thank you very much for visiting our Website.
TEMMA SHIKI launched production and sale in Osaka of containers and packages for Western-style confectionery in 1960.
Ever since, we strive for enhancing our business in the industry of confectionery and bakery.
We appreciate your cooperation and support in helping us meet these achievements.

Since establishment, we create various products with a concept of “product development emphasizing the palatability of food.
TEMMA has improved own safety management system for hyginic control in decades of continuous change. In addition to our improvement in quality, creativity and cost. We continue with all our effort to prevent any problems that may impact food hygiene.

We will pursue customers’ needs striving in the development of newer products. We will continue to challenge all aspects of our business operations to insure our customers’ business continues to expand and grow in prosperity.

Corporate concept

Producing paper containers for “deliciousness”

TEMMA is an innovative development company that produces original products in which customer satisfaction and unique ideas are created into actual products. We strive to be a company that shares delight and growth through a contribution to society, the marketplace and many industries with “deliciousness.”

Enviromental policy

SDGs Goal 7 Affordable and clean enagy

To deliver “deliciousness”

To deliver “deliciousness”
Our products are developed with designs and functionalities that are easy to use for customers when cooking and excellently portray its delicious contents. We strive for creative development and production every day, respecting the desire of those who produce food and the feeling of those who eat it.

Good designs increase sales.

Good designs increase sales.
Even when much deliciousness is guaranteed, it is essential to catch customer’s eyes first.So the design of containers and wrappings are critical. Our dedicated staff will meticulously work on your requests to meet your requirements. We then offer proposals with data and physical samples in various stages of the designs including three-dimensional shape.

A broad range of products are availab

A broad range of products are availab
TEMMA covers a vast number of products to suit different application. Standard products ensure immediate delivery. Made-to-order products provide customer’s originality into shape. Seasonal product designs are also available such as Christmas and Valentine’s Day.


Utilizing accumulation of our original molding techniques.

Utilizing accumulation of our original molding techniques.
TEMMA designs and produces molding machines as well as the metal molds in the Divisions of Technology(IP LAB). This capability enables us to produce our products in a short period of time to meet immediate requirements for customers. We strive to create unique products which cannot be imitated by any other companies using our tecnology and know-how we have built over the years.

Commitment for “just-in-time”

Commitment for “just-in-time”
TEMMA product is a part of the customer’s products.Unless there is a continuous supply, confectionery or food production will be suspended. TEMMA has established a system of production plan based on a daily demand forecast to prevent the shortage of the products.

We strive for high quality and hygienic products in all sincerity.

We strive for high quality and hygienic products in all sincerity.
In the production and sale of food containers, through consistent quality and hygenic control are critical.
We make extreme effort for thorough quality control, in addition to establishment and improvement of our hygenic environment to ensure reliable produntion quality and safety.

Company outline

Company name
Temmashiki Co., Ltd.
April 1949
January 1960
15 Million yen
Settlement of accounts
March 31 (once per year)
Hiroshi Temma, President and CEO
Takashi Temma, Managing Director
Hideo Yamamoto, Managing Director
Paper confectionary and bread molds, various baking cups, confectionery baking paper, various molds, shaped molding system containers paper press containers, aluminum foil containers, coffee filters, various food containers.
Annual sales
The 55th term 2.98 billion yen
The 56th term 1.74 billion yen (6 months)
* As of FY2015, we have changed the settlement of accounts to March. Therefore, the sales listed for the transitional period of FY2015 are those from the 6-month period from October 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015.


Branch offices

Osaka Head Office

3-2-15 Uehonmachi, Tennouji-ku, Osaka, Osaka 543-0001 JAPAN
TEL: 81(0)6-6191-3893
FAX: 81(0)6-6191-3901
Email: osaka@temma.co.jpAccess map
Osaka Head Office

Tokyo Sales Office

Yokokawa Building, 1-17-27, Shinkawa, Chuoku, Tokyo 104-0033
TEL: 03-3639-4833
FAX: 03-3639-564
Email: tokyo@temma.co.jpAccess map
Tokyo Sales Office

Nagoya Sales Office

Nishiki maru-M Bldg. 9F, 3-1-30 Nishiki, Nakaku, Nagoya 460-0003
TEL: 052-229-8466
FAX: 052-229-8662
Email: nagoya1@temma.co.jpAccess map
Nagoya Sales Office

Nara Factory

45-1 Ikezawacho, Yamatokoriyama, Nara 639-1032
TEL: 0743-56-2701
FAX: 0743-56-2702

PD center/IP LAB
90-13 Ikezawacho, Yamatokoriyama, Nara 639-1032
TEL: 0743-23-0120
0743-23-0135(IP LAB.)Access map
Nara Factory

Tsukuba Factory

5-4-1 Toukoudai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-2635
TEL: 029-895-0144
FAX: 029-895-0145Access map
Tsukuba Factory

Overseas business office

Wuxi Temma Paper Cup Co,. Ltd.

TEL: +86-510-8377-1140

TEMMA brand for the world

Since we established the International Department, the sales have been increasing and our products are now used over 20 different countries around the world. In addition to North America and Asia where the sales show strong growth, to intensify sales for Europe, we actively participate in exhibitions, such as in France, Germany and so on.
We strive to develop production techniques to suit the requirements of individual countries and provide safe and high-quality products all over the world.

Base for abroad markets [Wuxi Temma Paper Cup Co,. Ltd.]

Base for abroad markets [Wuxi Temma Paper Cup Co,. Ltd.] Since we established Wuxi Temma Paper Cup Co., Ltd. (a joint venture) in Wuxi, Jiansu in China, production and sales in the local area have made favorable progress. It also plays a role as the base for inquiries from abroad.
We have acquired ISO22000 and QS certification and continue to strive to provide the ever best quality to customers all over the world.